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Screenshot Air Display For Android Tablet

The screen tablet that is generally quite broad seem fun when used as a second monitor of your computer. To do so, you can add to the list of Air Display app on your iPad or Android tablet.

As well as a second monitor, you can enable the tablet to display images exactly as they appear on the primary monitor (mirror), or make additional area to expand what is shown the main monitor (extended). The difference is, you do not need a cable to connect the tablet to the computer.

Screenshot Air Display For Android Tablet 

Screenshot Air Display For Android Tablet 1

Screenshot Air Display For Android Tablet 2

Screenshot Air Display For Android Tablet 3

Not only as a secondary monitor, the application also allows you to use the tablet as an input device such as a mouse or a keyboard.

This application can be used to connect to a computer running Windows or Mac.

Developer: Avatron Software, Inc..; Device: iOS based devices (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad) and Android (phones and tablets); Minimum Requirements: iOS 5.0 or later; Android 2.3.3 and up; Download: AppStore and Android Market ; Price: $ 9.99 (AppStore and the Android Market); File Size: 13.6 MB (iOS), 2.4MB (Android)